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17.3 Tim Reston - Rider blocks and the mechanics of low-angle normal faulting
Video 4e: Metamorphic Core Complexes, Mechanical Paradox
Pseudotachylyte records on low-angle normal faults - Josh Feinberg - 2021 MagIC Workshop (1/20/21)
Core complex formation in 3D
AESC2021: Detachment fault & metamorphic core complex in the northern continental margin of the SCS
Imbrication of Low-angle Fault propagation Folds
Tectonic Evolution of the Turkana Region: Numerical Model Animation A1 (Reference Model)
3.1 Bailey Lathrop - Using growth faults in 3D seismic to better understand normal fault kinematics
4.1. Tim Minshull - New insights into the Deep Galicia Margin from ocean bottom seismic data
20.2 Casey Nixon - The Corinth Rift fault network
FORCE Webinar Salt Tectonic Talks
2_Rock Deformation: Normal Faults